Thursday, October 28, 2010

post beginings

Hi again. I was reading some of the blogs i follow and they were celebrating thier anniversary/birthday of thier blogs start. Well that got me thinking as to when this blog was started i recall it was around this time of the year. Now comes the problem i can't find the date when i actually created this thingy; i know the date of my first post, not the original date of creating muh blog. Please if anyone knows where to find this information can you let me know. P.S. happy anniversary and Happy Birthday to all of you incase i had not told you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not quite sure if you can find the date like that - I assume you mean the date you signed up for a blogger account?

    Generally I would reason that the first post would come when you "create" the blog?

    Or am I mis-understanding what you mean?

    ps: Happy Around-this-time-of-year anniversary!!

