Wishing you all a very merry Christmas (wigilia) eve. What is it you ask well wikipedia says Wigilia (Polish pronunciation: [viˈɡilja]) is the traditional Christmas Eve vigil supper in Poland, held on December 24. The term is also often extended to the whole day of the Christmas Eve, extending further into the midnight Mass held at Roman Catholic churches all over Poland and large Polish communities worldwide at midnight preceding the Christmas Day. In this usage, the supper itself is rather called "wieczerza" or "wieczerza wigilijna", using an Old Polish word meaning "dinner", "large supper", stemming from Proto-Indo-European root *vesper - evening.There are many traditions and customs on this day. For the rest of you have a great DEC 24th. Umm hope santa brings me this hot guy for my present. lol wishful thinking
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